
Here you can register a claim on your insured item, purchased or leased through one of our business partners.

Click on "Register claim" and fill out the claim form. When you click on "Send claim form" below the form, our servicepartner for the specific type of item will immediately receive the information, and will contact you directly on the e-mail address or the phone no. indicated in the form, arranging shipment of your item.

Please note that the serial / IMEI no. you type in the form, will be used to match a valid insurance policy attached to the item, why it's important you type the characters correctly. Otherwise it will delay the claim handling process.

If the claim refers to theft of an insured item, the claim can only be processed with a valid police report attached to the claim form.

If you have any question regarding the claim registration process, please feel free to contact us.


Register claim

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